Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, April 17, 2010


It was a very special day this week when Mom let me line up all of my dinos...plastic and plush for a photo. The local paper is offering a coloring contest for tickets to go see Walking with the Dinosaurs. I went to see this show a couple of years ago, so we weren't planning on buying tickets. My old Kindergarten teacher brought in the coloring page for me, so I spent an hour, doing my very best work. Mom thought if she included a photo to show the judges how much I LOVE dinosaurs, it couldn't hurt my odds. The only problem now is that I'm absolutely fixated on winning and I'll probably be very sad if I don't get to go. So keep your fingers crossed for me!

We were lucky to have some absolutely gorgeous weather this week. Mom and Zach have been walking up to school to pick me up every day, which I love, but Zach hates. He hates being woken up to get thrown in a stroller for the half-mile trek. So it probably won't last much longer. I had a dentist appt earlier this week and Zach even had a turn to sit in the chair. He proudly showed the dentist his teeth and sat very still. We were very proud of him.

I have a Wizard of Oz birthday party to go to later today and then the Father Daughter dance at school tonight. Mom is taking me shopping in a bit to pick out a fancy dress. It's going to be a great weekend! I just may need a nap though because Zach and I had a little sleepover last night in his room and he woke me up SO early!

Hope yours is awesome, too!


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