Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

This n' That

Pretty much a little bit of everything going on around here. We're trying to cram in a few things from our summer to-do list. Hard to believe I'll be starting school in just 2 short weeks. The time really flew by and it still feels like summer has yet to hit us, judging by the cool weather and lack of swimsuit time. But I am ready. Mom really isn't, but I am. We'll do my bts shopping next week and be all ready to go!

Late last week, Nana came for a couple days. We had a fun visit. We went to the zoo and she played with us lots. Mom and Dad even sneaked out for a movie. The next day, Mom took me to see the Guinea Pig G-Force movie. Sounds boring? Well it was in 3D, so there! Actually, it was fairly cute, Mom even chuckled once or twice. On Monday, it was MY idea to go to the Discovery Museum, so we did! We ended up spending almost 5 hours there including a break for lunch. Zach had so much fun as well. Our favorite thing was the pretend pizza shop complete with delivery truck. Mom is going to look into some pretend pizza stuff for the house. It was a really good day. Tomorrow, Gramps and B are coming for the day. I am looking forward to showing them my toys and spending time with them. Maybe even a trip to the park will be in store.

So Zach news has been kind of slow lately. Here is a nice list of some things he has been doing lately:

He is obsessed with running around being a race car. He also likes to kung fu kick Mom in the chins a lot. He likes to shut the dryer and dishwasher doors on her when she is doing her chores. He likes to ask for a snack like ALL THE TIME, including breakfast, which usually leads to tears since Mom won't let him eat snacks for breakfast. He can swing really high on the big boy swing and can almost pedal a trike. He is talking in mostly short sentences now and is really conveying his emotions a lot more to us -- telling us when he is sad or hurt or silly. We took his bedtime paci away about 2 weeks ago and he's doing ok. He gives Mom a fight for naptime now and then, but he goes down at night well and is sleeping a little later now. I'm going to miss him when I go back to school. We have a lot of fun playing together. He is in the "mine" phase right now, but I handle it well and have some good tricks up my sleeve for distracting him. He's a fun little boy, he keeps things exciting around here, that's for sure.

I better go settle in for the night, got a busy day tomorrow!


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