Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Caution: High Altitude May Cause Nosebleeds

Tonight is the first night in my new loft bed. Mom and Dad didn't think it was so high when they put it together, but when the mattress came and rose an inch or so over the frame, they got a little nervous. Turns out they make these nifty bunk mattresses now that have the box spring kind of built into the mattress. Mom's pretty proud of herself for finding this on craigslist and lucking out that it was only a mile away AND they delivered it for us. The new bedding came today, although you really can't see the investment being it is up so high. The curtains will cover my "hideout" area once Mom's "sister" hems them up. Look out. Poor Zach REALLY loves my bed, so we let him get up on it tonight for a bit. Guaranteed now that we did that, he will be up there in no time flat on a daily basis. We really have to watch out and make sure the ceiling fan is off before I get in...don't need anyone losing any appendages.

I'm sure I sound like Captain Obvious when I say it was darn HOT today. 96 down here and no breeze. Tennis lessons were uncomfortable even at 9 in the morning. We found a cheap slip n' slide today at Aldis. My friend, Nicolo, came over for a few hours to play in the pool and slide with me. We had SO much fun. Mom kind of likes it when boys come over to play (for now), there isn't very much drama and it's very easy going. You can take the wildest, rough and tumble boy -- but put him one-on-one with a girl and he turns into a softie. Until he sprays you in the face with the hose, and then the moment is lost :)

Our pals Ryan and Leah are coming from Fargo for a visit later this week. We've never met their 1 yr old daughter, so we're really excited for that and hoping to get some quality time with them. I'm sure Mom will have me on cleaning duty tomorrow.

Hope you are keeping cool fools!



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