Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

What's a Video?

I caught Mom watching TV today and since that never happens around here, I figured I better ask what was going on. Mom tried, very much in vain, to explain to me the significance of the memorial on TV. I'd never heard of Michael Jackson until today, so it was hard for me to figure out what the big fuss was about. I liked watching the people sing songs and speak nicely about him though. So when it was done, Mom showed me some old videos on youtube and tried to explain it best she could. I really liked the old videos from when he was just ten years old. I even liked Thriller, I thought the dancing zombies were funny just like Mom did when she was little. She said that Papa used to make her watch it, even though she was crying scared, but I don't buy that...surely Papa would have never tortured Mom like that :)

When I was done getting my education about the moonwalk, Billie Jean, Beat It and the Jackson 5, I turned to Mom and asked her square in the face "what's a music video"?. Sigh. Looks like that will probably be an ancient artifact for my generation. We'll all be too busy twittering and texting to notice the death of good music videos, back when they were productions of art, rather than just the bunch of computer-generated junk they have turned into.

Someday when I'm older, I'll know who MJ was and if I ever want to know what I was doing around the time he died, maybe I'll come back here and read about it. In the meantime, I'm going to get back to practicing my moonwalk!


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