Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Vacation after the Vacation

What a weekend! We almost need a couple postings to cover the happenings. Mom, Z & I headed up to WI on Thursday afternoon. We went to the Cave of the Mounds with Nana on Friday. It was a fun time. The cave was cool and wet. Our tour was very nice and the cave was extra drippy because of all of the rain -- cave kisses are what they are called. I enjoyed seeing all the sights and Zach was actually pretty good considering all the trouble that a 2 year old really could get into in a small cave in an hour. We kept Zach busy by pretending we were Dora and Diego on a dinosaur hunt in the cave. I scored big-time at the gift shop thanks to Nana. I got some cool rocks, a turtle necklace, some gemstones I sifted from sand and a crystal filled stone. We spent lots of time visiting with Gramps and Betty as well. On Saturday, Papa took us to the pool. It was perfectly hot and sunny and he even took us both in the big pool. Later that night, we met up with some extended family and went out to eat then off to watch the balloons launch. We got there just in time to see the balloons go up -- the only successful launch of the weekend! They flew right over our heads! Mom decided to hop right in the car and head back to IL so we could spend all day today with Dad. Us kids stayed awake the entire ride home until 11 pm! I kept busy by taking loads of goofy pics of Zach in the back seat, singing songs and looking for shooting stars.

I had a lot of work to help Dad with! My new bed was delivered on Saturday, so Dad and I spent this morning setting it up just right and Mom cleaned up around us. We bought a new mattress that will be here Tuesday -- hopefully my new bedding will be in soon as well and I can post some pics of my cool new loft bed and "hideout" area. After mattress shopping, we went to Old Chicago for dinner and back to the house to play outside for a bit in the humid weather. It's going to be a WARM one this week, but we'll surely find a way to keep cool. I've got another playdate on Tuesday, tennis lessons and our friends Ryan, Leah and Lauren are coming for a visit at the end of the week.

A very tiring, but super-fun weekend! Especially since Mom forgot the pack n play and had to sleep with Zach for 2 nights -- but he was ok other than kicking her a lot. Mom asked me my favorite part of the first answer was the pool, quickly followed up by being happy to have seen so much of my family...and then the cave. In no particular order of course!

Have a faboo week!



At 6:48 PM, Blogger Carly said...

LOVE that picture of Zach! The one of me & K and Vicki and the kids are cute too, but that one of Zach looks like it belongs in a book or on a wall! Great seeing you guys :)


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