Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cowboy Clean

The blog has been a little neglected lately, I guess there hasn't been a whole lot to say that is blog-worthy. My swimming lessons were canceled most of last week b/c of the weather, but Dad was able to take me this week. I still have a long way to go...not putting my head under yet and still plugging my nose, but we're getting there. I had a private lesson with someone yesterday that went much better. The kids that teach us at the public pool are nice enough, but they are softies and have their hands full with 15 small kids for 3 instructors!

We went to the cabin last weekend. The first day was spent just cleaning up the joint and getting things ready. The boat didn't start the first day, but Dad figured it out and got it running on Sunday. We got one nice boat ride on the glorious Rock River. My favorite part of the weekend was playing with Ben and making s'mores. Zach calls him "Ben-Ben", must be because he gets called "Bud Bud". FYI, s'mores made with Reese's PB cups are the bomb!

Dad is taking another week of "non-voluntary, unpaid vacation" this week -- translation: layoff week. Most of the plants are shut down for the week, so most of the Daddies in our neighborhood are home. He's been keeping busy -- washing the cars, cleaning outdoor stuff and screwing around with us.

We've got our mini-vacay to Milwaukee coming up on Thursday. We plan to visit the Domes, the Zoo, the Museum/IMAX and the beach. Should be a nice little get away for us.

My tooth is still hanging in there, literally! I better take my tooth fairy pillow on vacation just in case.



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