Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Got a Wiggler!

My lower incisor is about ready to fall off! I'm convinced it will be any day now, but Mom seems certain we have a few weeks to go. We still have to get to that gross part where it is just hanging by a thread. I have a few other loose teeth as well, but this one will definitely be the first. Just to be prepared, we ordered this sweet little tooth fairy pillow last week from The lady was so nice to custom embroider a girly dino just for me. If I keep up at this rate with the loose teeth, maybe I'll be singing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" come December.

Tennis got rained out. Boo! But we finally made a long overdue (ha ha) trip to the library. I signed up for the summer reading program. I get a "prize" for every 5 books read and if I hit 30 by July 23rd, I get to go to a party at the library. Shouldn't be a problem there the way we go through books at this house. Today, I picked out some Magic Tree House books, books on amphibians, dinosaurs, natural wonders of North America, early reading books and a Thomas book for Zach.

Ciao for now!


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