Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Raking in the Dough

So as promised, just to update that the Tooth Fairy did indeed make a visit. She left me two silver dollars. She also left a mess of fairy dust all over my pillow, sheets and head! Mom has to wash the sheets now. Later that day, Mom took me to the water park. We had loads of fun and I did all the slides and even a few things I was too scared to do last year. On the way back, we stopped at the gas station and there was another fairy there! Well, not a fairy so to speak, but a very "happy" gentleman who had maybe had a little too much "happy juice" who decided to give me a dollar as we were leaving. Of course, I said yes. But I got lectured BIG TIME on the way home about NOT taking anything from strangers...especially stinky strangers who slur their words and call me sweetheart. Mom said it is a good thing she was there. So my free dollar was not free, it came with a big, giant dose of lecturing. Mom didn't argue with the guy, he probably would have thrown a punch at her.

In lighter news, the ice cream truck is scheduled to make its rounds today. I plan on getting a treat, I've been looking forward to it all day. I went to the gym daycare with Zach today while Mom punished herself with a kickboxing class. Zach did much better with me there. Hopefully he will continue to do well. Mom signed her life away to the gym for a year today and there is no escape clause in there for whiny toddlers! Or whiny mothers for that matter!

Ciao for now,


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