Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, March 02, 2009

Little Boys

In case you were not aware, here are some things that little boys like to do:

Fill their dump trucks up with cheerios and unload them on to the floors
Giggle every time they pass gas and comment on how they are stinky
Walk around with one hand in the diaper for about half of the day
Punch people for no reason and run away giggling
Yell "hi-ya" as you get a kung-fu chop to the leg
Rock out in the backseat with some headbanging and screaming, i.e. "singing"
Poke bugs and caterpillars excessively even though they are trying to be "nice"
Get a nice handful of yogurt and use it as hair gel
Play with themselves when ever the opportunity is available

Not much difference between little boys and big boys, huh?

And just because this is MY blog, here's a pic of me. You can see Zach is in his jammies still, ready to take me to school as usual. We often wonder if the people at school think a homeless lady and her scraggly kid are dropping me off each day.



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