Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, February 05, 2009

The 100th Day

We had quite a shindig at school today, it was the 100th day of school, wahoo! I was one of the first in the class to join the "100s" club, meaning I can count and write to 100. We had to bring in 100 of something today. I'll bet you can guess what I chose! Here's a hint, they are extinct and rhyme with whine-o-saurs. That's right, that zip lock back in my hand is filled with 100 baby dinosaurs. I had plenty to spare. It was fun grouping them by 5's, 10's and making my way up to 100. We did all sorts of one-hundo related activities today. Like a necklace made of 100 fruit loops and jumping 100 times. I even wore a sweatshirt that we were pretty sure had 100 hearts on it. I probably counted to 100, well, 100 times today! It may be a bit overkill, but boy were we all excited and proud of our 100 days.

Zach's been suffering from my cold this week, so he's been cooped up a bit. Plus, we've had various people coming by to work on stuff in the house, so Mom's schedule has been dictated by others all week. But, hey, it's February, not like she has a whole lot going on anyway. Next week should be fun -- Mom gets to help out in my library on Tuesday and at my V-Day party on Thursday. Zach has a doctor's appt and there's parent-teacher conferences again, so it will be a busy week.

Gymnastics is still going well. I'm pretty tired, but I enjoy it and it is good for me. Zach is doing well in the 2-year old world. He's actually been so good lately, we're wondering when he's going to hit us with the terrible part. He's so sweet and boy are we having fun playing together. His new thing is spontaneously saying thank you without being prompted. He's really good at it and we like hearing him say it.

That's all I got! Better catch some zzzzzzzs.....

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At 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

April-- is she just 5 years old?? Seriously smart, wow.

At 10:40 AM, Blogger April said...

I'm kind of floored at the level of stuff they are doing. I didn't think they were teaching writing to 100 until she came home with the sheet, I knew she could do it, but surprised they were teaching it. Lots of word writing now too at school. Crazy.

At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it? I mean, really, do you remember Kindergarten? Did you have Miss Morgan? What did we do besides play with those big blocks and prepare for the circus for like 4 months?

At 9:18 PM, Blogger April said...

No, I was at ghetto East School and had Mrs Salzwedel. I remember spelling "shit" on my Speak and Spell and getting May Day gifts from Shawn Teasdale. Are you putting Mar in this fall or waiting? That was a killer decision for us, but I'm glad I sent her, she was ready.


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