Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Precious Moments

No, I'm not talking about those creepy little porcelain dolls that used to live in everyone's curios cabinets. I'm talking about us! Mom hates to jinx it, but Zach and I have been getting along very well lately. We've been playing more organized type games together, sharing and showing a lot more compassion towards one another. Hopefully, it is not just a phase. Here, I was reading Zach his favorite car book. We read a few more before his attention drifted elsewhere.

Sorry there's been so little blogging as of late, but there hasn't been too much going on here. I think I remember what that is called...there's a special name for, January. Yeah, that's it!

Z-man has his birthday coming up on Friday. He can very proudly tell you he is going to be TWO!!! Nana is coming for the day and she's going to help Mom with getting Z's pictures taken. After that, I promised my bro some Chuck E Cheese action. Awfully generous of me, don't you think?

School is going well. I received my quarterly report card this week. I am doing well in all areas -- just need to work on my pencil grip and the occasional distraction. I'm loving full-days, but I am pretty tired by 5p.m. Mom and I have been working on my dinosaur scrapbook in what little free time we have. It is turning out really cool, I'll share it when it is done.

Speaking of quarterly reports, there was some bad news at CAT this week. But for anyone concerned, Dad isn't going anywhere anytime soon. We just hope this mess works itself out soon and that all the good people here can get jobs.

Have a super week. More birthday deets to come later.



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