Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, February 23, 2009

Growing up too fast...

That's what Mom said today when I came home from school. She asked how recess was and I told her I didn't play at all. I was too busy picking up trash. I was amazed at how much litter was on the playground, so I spent the entire recess, by myself, picking up garbage. And then I apologized to Mom because my gloves were so dirty. Then, she was unpacking my lunch and she asked why the hershey kisses were still in there (she sometimes sneaks one or two in my lunch). I told her that since I didn't finish my sandwich all the way and left 2 carrots, I didn't deserve to have my candy. After all this talking, I walked over to Mom, picked her jaw up off the floor for her and gave her a hug.

Mom's pretty lucky.


At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is SO sweet!

*Moments like that make you really glad you've done the SAHM thing, don't they?


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