Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

WALL-E Mania

For some reason (probably, me), Zach has become obsessed with Wall-E of all things. He really hasn't seen the entire movie and doesn't sit still long enough for that anyway. He has a Wall-E shirt which he asks to wear every day and fights with me over the Wall-E plate and bowl set. It is his favorite word to say, next to combine and tractor, of course. So last week, Mom made him a play doh Wall-E, but much like the over affectionate boy that he is, he kept crushing his little Wall-E into a mushy, doughy heap. He decided to climb out of his crib last week, so we're trying to decide the next step for him. He also has been more aware of his "bodily functions", so toilet-training may be on the horizon in the next couple months.

Now, back to ME! I have had a second Christmas break of sorts. We had 3 days of school canceled last week due to inclement weather. Combine that with my sick day and I've missed quite a bit of school. We tried to keep busy around here with a host of projects around the house, and it is a lot more fun now that Zach can be trusted with crayons and play doh. I received a post card from Buddy the Elf last week. You'll be happy to hear he made it home safely and is enjoying the company of his elf family.

We went to the farm last weekend to celebrate Grandpa D's birthday with him. Zach even got a tractor ride out of it. They went out to Uncle D's field and did tractor donuts in the snow. Hopefully he won't be too upset come spring.

That's it from here! Our basement just needs some paint and new carpet and it should be back to working order. Mom and Dad are looking forward to having their living area back instead of being shoved in the playroom part with us.

Oh! I was hoping to watch the inauguration at school today, but we'll see. Mom recorded it just in case. I told her the other night it has always been my dream to meet Obama. I was pretty saddened to find out that may not happen anytime soon. It is hard to grasp the scope of things.

Have a groovy week!


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