Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Hearts Day

A very happy Valentine's Day to you. I got a fun bag of goodies from Mom and Dad today. Dinosaur Oatmeal, skittles, a puppy snowglobe and some giant, toxic light up "massive googly ball" thing. I gave Zach a little box of chocolates with a train on the box. He loved it! As soon as I got dressed, Dad took Zach and I up to Grandma Ds. I was very sad to leave Mom, my "sunshine girl" as I have taken to calling her. Mom asked what she was supposed to do all weekend without us? I suggested her and Dad give each other Valentines and go somewhere nice for dinner. Gee, I'm smart! Mom is going to get caught up on some cleaning today until Dad gets back. Then they are going to a German restaurant tonight and then to a movie and lunch tomorrow. Mom will come get us on Monday as long as we are doing well.

They had conferences with my teacher last night. It all went really well! They even do standardized testing for us now, which is kind of silly if you ask me. I scored very above average in all catagories, including letter recognition, phonics and early reading. Mom was very proud to hear that I am really getting better at following directions and the teacher has no beef with me whatsoever. My fine motor skills are improving, but we need to keep practicing. Mom helped out at the class party this week and had a blast. We played bingo, sang songs, and made a tower out of conversation hearts. Mom and I made the treats to take in.

Nana and Papa are going to the Badger game tonight, so watch for them on ESPN. They will be on the court level, nearest the left basket. Other exciting news, cousin Tyler and Tori had a sweet little baby girl early this morning. Addisyn seems to be doing fine from what we have heard. Can't wait to see the new baby, hopefully soon!

Hope you have an extra special weekend. Hugs and Kisses.

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Racing to make heart towers

Doing the months of the year macarena

Us with the other room helpers for the day


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