Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Terrific Two

Howdy all! Zach had a fun birthday weekend. Him and Mom had a nice quiet morning yesterday. He got his pictures taken and cooperated for them, which made Mom ecstatic! He hasn't had photos taken since he was 6mo old because of him being afraid of the photographers. After that and some errands, he dined on a lunch of cheesy puffs and blueberries -- a rare treat for him. Mom had to pick me up from school at lunch time because I was pretty sick -- bad head cold. After we both took naps, Nana arrived. We stayed home for the night and got an ice cream cake for Zach. He opened his presents from Nana and I got a few, too. Nana always makes sure I have a little something to open each time she comes to visit. She had to leave for bowling today, but we're glad she could make the trip, if even just for the day.

Today, Grandma and Grandpa D, Aunt Cindy and Todd came over for a birthday lunch with us. We had raclette and cake. Zach didn't dig the raclette too much, but he loved his tractor cake. He opened some more gifts and took a nice long nap. Grandma D and Gramps stayed for awhile and played some Wii. I also showed Nana how to play Wii the night before and she had lots of fun! It was a good day. Zach got a new combine, auger wagon, tool bench and some clothes. We're grateful to have family to come and spend the day with us. I am feeling much better today and hope no one catches my nasty germs!

Hard to believe ol' Zach is 2. Seems like just yesterday he was a tiny, helpless little baby and now he is such a big boy. He can say so many words and do so much for himself. Mom misses those little baby days, but she's proud to see what a good boy he is.

Have a Super-Super Bowl Sunday! We're laying low and watching the big game at home.

are a few pics from this weekend. He is such a busy body (and so is Mom), that we didn't take a lot, but a few goodies.



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