Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, January 12, 2009

Seeing Stars

Long time no bloggy-blog, eh? Well, we've been extra boring around here lately with very little to report. I have been transitioning to full-days really well. I was extra tired and snippy the first couple of days, but I got used to the long days pretty quickly and am having lots of fun. I've been doing a snazzy mix-up of both hot and cold lunches. I like to keep my teacher on her toes.

We had a mostly fun weekend. Mom and I left for WI on Friday, hoping to dart up there in between waves of wintry weather. The trip went pretty well and we made it up in good, safe time. Unfortunately, I must have had a stomach bug, because I was up most of the night throwing up. I'll spare you the details, but it was a mess. Fortunately, I was puke-free for a good 10hrs, so we decided to go to Tyler and Tori's baby shower. It was loads of fun and I am the master of baby shower games! You know it's a Wisconsin baby shower when the game-prizes are mostly booze. I had to forfeit one of my gifts because I lacked the proper ID.

So we got back on Sunday and it wasn't too long until Mom started feeling the queasies as well. We were hoping it was just random food-poisoning, but it appears to be viral. Gee, maybe exposing myself to the 8 month pregnant lady wasn't the greatest idea? Although I wasn't actually expelling any germs at the moment and had a bath, so I think we're safe.

So Mom has been under the weather today and I woke up with a sore throat and very quickly announced I was too sick for school. Mom was trying to talk me into giving it a try, but Dad didn't want to pick a fight and just let me stay home to catch up on some rest. Zach was the only healthy one of the bunch and he did a pretty good job being nice to us. Zach and I like to play "spies" and he loves to put on the pink glasses and yell "scramble"! I was asking to go back to school by lunchtime and was very upset Mom wouldn't let me go. Mom was stating that I have now tarnished my perfect attendance record, but I was quick to remind her that our little vacay to Disney cost me a couple days as well...oh, snap!

The contractors are supposed to start piecing our basement back together again. Hopefully we get some insulation up this week before those wicked windchills start!

Hope you are happy, healthy and having a good start to your week!

Kate and Katie

This is what happens when Mom is laid up on the couch all glasses, pink shoes and a spy book.


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