Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, January 02, 2009

Never Fear, 2009 is Here

I was really upset Wednesday night that 2008 was all done -- lots of tears were shed. I have a hard time letting go of things lately. I cried pretty bad as we took down the tree yesterday as well. Probably because Mom always sings the "Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree" song with sad lyrics! Mom let me keep one ornament to put on our indoor tree/plant. Unfortunately, I dropped my most favorite ballerina ornament and her head snapped off, but we're hoping a little super glue will do the trick. I've actually kind of had a bad day! My brother wouldn't nap, so therefore he got into all my stuff while being extra whiny about it. And then I kept getting in trouble for not letting him play with me. To top it off, my Dad is up having fun with my cousins the past couple days, but I couldn't go because one of them is sick and Mom is a super-big worry wart and wouldn't let me. On the bright side, I finally played Wii today. I was really afraid of it at first. I understand it is all pretend, but I can't really handle the games where you crash or lose in anything. Mom never in a million years thought she would be talking one of her children into playing a video game. So we started slow with a little skeeball today. The carnival game for Wii is the coolest ever! In skeeball, you win dinosaur prizes, so that sweetened the pot. I was nailing the 100 pt rings and pretty proud of myself. I attribute my success to the super-K cape from Nana. Too bad we have to take it back to the video store tomorrow! Mom's really good at most of the games and stayed up too late last night.

Our basement situation is still in limbo. As you can see, the wall is ripped apart on the one side. We have to let it all dry out before they can fix it. In the meantime, it is barricaded off and even though it is chilly, we're lucky the weather hasn't been too cold.

I did have a pretty good Christmas break. I've slowly been playing with each new toy. Mom's been organinzing the closets, the playroom, making trips to Goodwill and getting the house back together slowly but surely. I've been helping a lot and even got to have a friend over on Tuesday. Remember my pal Nicolo? He came for a playdate and played dinos with me all day. We had a Dinosaur Christmas party -- he even brought a few of his own over.

I am very excited to go back to school on Monday. I will be an official full-day kid then and even though Mom will miss me, we know it will be for the best.

That's all from here! Hope your New Year is off to a splendid start!



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