Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tears of an Elf

I had a very nice, quiet Christmas Eve home with my family. Mom and I decorated Christmas cookies this afternoon. Mom made prime rib for dinner and we had shrimp cocktail -- my favorite! After dinner, we watched the Polar Express and put some cookies out for Santa. I had a VERY hard time saying goodbye to Buddy. We're guessing Santa is going to take him home to the North Pole tonight. Mom and I were both crying pretty bad. I was so upset, I had to sleep with Buddy and Dad promised to get him down to the fireplace before midnight, after I fell asleep. We'll sure miss the little imp a lot, but I bet his family misses him more than I do. Did I tell you he peed green in the bathroom this morning? Gross! What a strange little elf!

Zach is cookie obsessed. He knows where they are and whines for them constantly. He's quiet a fan of anything cookie-related. We're rationing him, but it's hard with it being Christmas and all.

After lunch tomorrow, we're off to Grandma D's for the day. I'm super-excited to wake up tomorrow and see if we've had any visitors!

Merry Christmas to all

Cookie Monster

Watching the movie with Dad


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