Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Big Dipper

We made a fascinating discovery last week. Zach is a dipper. The kid will eat almost anything if you provide something to dip it in -- ketchup, ranch dressing, even mayo. Mom used to be one of those Mom's that scuffed at other parents and said "I don't need ranch dressing to get my kid to eat vegetables". Well, now she fully admits that he can eat just the dressing if that's what it takes. Just yet another issue that we're desperate to resolve, so weird tactics are welcome. He has eaten more pork, chicken and beef in one week than he likely has in a year. Seriously. We thought he was becoming a self-turned vegan lately, but this is a huge change for us. Maybe the peanut butter stockpiles can go down now.

In other pint-sized news, Buddy is still here and still making more work for us. He "TP'd" the living room with crepe paper, he played with my toys and we found him out in the snow this morning. He's a stinker, that's fo' sho.

I got some snow time yesterday. It was fun to sled on the icy driveway, but not enough snow to make any creations with. Zach finally got to go out in it. Mom still can't find any boy snowpants, so he had to wear my old 2T pink ones, but they worked out ok. He's not a big fan of the snow, or tipping over and not being able to get back up. He just liked to carry his shovel around and hit the snow with it.

We've got my last day of school tomorrow along with my school party. We're supposed to head to WI right after lunch. Can you believe tomorrow is my LAST DAY as a half-day kid? I will officially start full-days after the New Year. I hope the weather tonight doesn't ruin our day tomorrow!

Later taters!


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