Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Leaf Wreath

Yesterday, we made a leaf wreath of all the things I am thankful for. It took a little bit for me to get the idea of what is truly worth thanks and what is kind extra perk in life. Like listing my new ruler and cup is cool, but maybe something I could live without if forced. So my first choice was of course, toys. Mom grimaced and felt a bit irked when I said this, but hey, I'm only 5 and I do really love my toys. Next answer...Barack Obama. Upon further probing about why I am thankful for him, I said because he lives in the USA and I love America. After some chit chatting, I listed off the usual -- family, health, love and found a few creative ones on my own. I said I love the earth because "no matter how big of a rocket ship we have, it is the only planet we can survive on, so I better take care of it". That made Mom proud. I also was thankful for my great school and teacher.

Speaking of school, tomorrow is an early release day at 2:30, so Mom though I can just stay the entire time so she can get some cooking done. I packed my own lunch tonight (for the first time!) and am SO very excited to get to stay through the afternoon. This will be a good practice day before I make the switch in January.

That's all from here, hope you are having a good, short week!



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