Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Headbanger's Ball

I think there is someone we've kind of forgotten to mention lately. Daddy? No. My dinosaurs? No. Santa Claus? No. Oh yeah....Zach!

So Zach isn't too upset with us for leaving him out. He was looking at the pictures today and you could kind of see he had this perplexed look upon his face. We were hoping he would have his own Disney experience on the farm, but alas the weather was too cold for him to ride on any "tractoos" and he ended up with some cabin fever. The only remedy was for Grandma to take him to the playland at McDoo one day to burn off some energy.

He's developed this charming new "quirk" since we've been back....headbanging. When he doesn't get his way it goes something like this:
1) Scream and flail arms around
2) Find nearest available hard surface -- any wall, table or floor will do
3) Bang head against chosen hard object over and over
4) Look up to see if anyone is noticing his fit
5) Bang head some more until it hurts and he cries real tears
6) Get swiftly transported by Mom to a carpeted area
7) Bang head some more

This is a definite act of seeking attention. So we've chosen to calmly tell him no and move him to a "safe place". He usually stops after a minute or so and ends up being transported to time-out until he pulls it together. Anything can instigate this -- not wanting to eat, being told no or just when he feels like no one is paying attention to him. This is a new one for Mom, she sure hopes he grows out of this quickly.

Other than that mild little act of defiance, he's been really good lately. He's definitely a walking tornado -- he gets into stuff quicker than Mom can put it away. He loves to "drive" his cars, trains and tractors on the wall and he LOVES to grab one of my toys and run away giggling as fast as he can. And he loves to throw stuff when you ask him to fix it or put it away. He climbs and runs and sneaks up behind you constantly. He's saying a few more words, pointing to most of his body parts and very, very affectionate. If you ask him where Daddy is, he says "Mamaws tractor". He knows. His attention span is lengthening and even though meal times are still tough, he's getting better. So Zach, if you're reading this 10 years from now, know that you are not forgotten -- I just run the blog around here, so tough luck.

We went out for some shopping today. It felt SO good to leave the house. It has been hard being cooped up after our busy week. I got my Christmas dress today and am really excited for that. And excited for school tomorrow too! Did I mention I did all my homework already for the week? Yeah, I'm pretty smart like that.



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