Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, December 05, 2008

A Special Visitor

Hi! I've had a grrrrr-eat week. Mom came and read to my class at school today, that was a fun treat. She read A Dinosaur's Night Before Christmas, which may very well be the coolest book ev-ah! Mom was going to save it as a Christmas gift, but it was too cool to wait that long. My classmates all liked it as well.

When we got home, I noticed there was a wrapped package on the porch. Big deal, right? Well, this particular package was from THE North Pole! And it was addressed to Zach and I! There was a letter inside that read like this:

Dear Katherine and Zach,

I have been really, really busy this year. I have a hard time watching each and every little boy and girl to see if they have been naughty or nice. So I have sent a little friend to you to watch over you until Christmas. His name is Buddy the Elf. He will keep a good eye on you and Zachary. He will report back to me on Christmas Eve and let me know if you have been good little children. But I have to warn you, Buddy has been known to be a little bit of a silly elf. He sometimes gets into trouble here at the North Pole. I hope he will be good for you. Please take good care of him and remember, he’s watching you from now until Christmas!


P.S. Please don’t forget the carrots for my reindeer.

I was a little freaked out to open up the package. I was afraid that
a real elf might jump out of the box, so I made Mom do it. But it was just a harmless little elf named Buddy. We put him up on the fireplace mantle so he could have a good view of the happenings around the house. I hope he stays up there and stays out of trouble! I can't believe I was lucky enough to get my own elf from the North Pole. Mom and Dad were both very jealous, they never got elves when they were little.

I think Mom and I are going to a Festival of Dance this weekend to see a Christmas Performance. Other than that, it should be a pretty laid back weekend. Some of our plans fell through, so looks like we'll be sticking around the house. I really want to go sledding, but it is a bit too chilly with the wind.

Have a great weekend! And be good!



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