Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, December 08, 2008

More Mischief

You would think that we have enough to worry about around here, let alone a sneaky little elf! Old Buddy has really been getting into trouble at night. We've decided he must be nocturnal! On Saturday, we found him in the cereal cabinet, munching on Dad's Captain Crunch. I only get that on the weekends, so how does Buddy think he's special?? On Sunday, we found him at the kitchen table, drinking syrup from a straw. And this morning, he was hanging from the fireplace. That may sound like no big deal, but he had doodled all over the fireplace window! I think Santa was playing a joke on us when he sent us Buddy. Mom is a little fed up with him, but I promised to have a talk with him after school today. I think Buddy has caught Zach getting into the tree when no one is looking! Either that or it is him who is taking ornaments off the tree!

We had a quiet, but nice weekend. I did some school work and helped Mom make gingerbread dough. We'll cut the cookies out today. We did some Christmas shopping at Toys R Us and then went to see a Christmas Village/Carnival. We went out to eat at my favorite restaurant and came home to watch the Elf Movie. Yesterday, Mom took me to see a dancing Christmas play nearby. It was really fun! I'm so happy the Bears won, Dad was in a good mood when we got home. I don't remember if I mentioned it before, but Mom took Zach to a farm show last week and he had lots of fun. He's at the age now where he can go on some field trips with Mom as well.

I hope you had a nice weekend as well. Did you get a naughty elf?



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