Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Real Change

What were you expecting?

Last night was a great night for America. Mom recorded some of the events in Chicago for me to watch on TV. This morning, I came running down the stairs and asked who won. Before school, I had time to watch some of the speech from last night. I had a lot of questions at lunch about what the red and blue meant and about the Senate race they talked about on TV. Overwhelming. How do you grown ups sort it all out? I really liked watching the First Daughters on TV. Sure wish I was getting a puppy.

I hope someday I look back and remember - through reading or stories from my Mom - about this great time. Whether the outcome of the next 4 years is good or bad, it is certainly historic and worth appreciating.

In other news, Mom went to her first Parent Teacher conference last night. Poor Dad had to stay home and watch sick Zach. Everything went well -- my handwriting and academic skills are top notch. The things we need to work on are forgetfulness and following directions the first time. Looks like I'll start going full days in January to help me transition to 1st grade. Mom is very proud of me and really likes my teacher.

Happy day to you all!


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