Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Dirty Laundry

Look at all this laundry Mom has to wash! Geesh! This was taken Friday night around 7 before Dad got home -- perhaps the one time of the week that we are ALL the nuttiest.

We had a nice, relaxing weekend at home. I couldn't play soccer because of my cough, but I showed up to support my team. Maybe I can play Monday night. Mom picked up a train table for Zach this weekend and he loves it! All you hear is "choo, choo" from the basement all day. Today, Mom took me to see the Music Man. It was a long, 3hr show, but I really enjoyed it. All the singing and dancing was so much fun. It was just nice to get to spend some alone time with Mom and to get out of the house for a change!

Going back a couple days, on Friday, we had early release because of the homecoming game. Mom made the crazy, painful choice to take us to the was NUTS! The big kids were real jerks and pushed us little ones around for the candy. The kids on the floats were kind on being naughty and I didn't have much fun. But, I did get lots of candy and it was a beautiful day. Zach saw plenty of tractors to keep him entertained. I mean, it is nothing like the parade I last saw, with cows marching through the streets, but it was entertainment.

I've got a short week coming up because of Columbus Day. School is going well. I got my first "report card" this week. I did really well in almost all the categories, I just need to work on my listening and forgetfulness. Same things that we deal with at home, but Mom thinks I'm doing pretty darn well considering how I am THE youngest in my class.

That's all for now. Hope you had a splendid weekend. Go Bears!



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