Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Did someone say ABBA?

We've been working really hard around here trying to reinforce what I've been doing at school. Granted, there are times where I am not as compliant with my mother as I am with my teachers. I mean I just get home from a long morning at school and I just want to play! Who wants to sit at the table going through the same ol' schtick each day? Mom is trying to come up with some more creative ways to learn rather than just the basics.

So today we did some patterns with my beads. We're learning about AB ABB AAB and ABC patterns at school. We made one of each pattern with my lacing beads. I made a green and gold one for Nana and an orange and blue one for Dad. After that, we did some moon sand outside. I made a dinosaur circus. Speaking of dinos, I was pretending to be one today at recess and busted up my glasses again. Just the nosepiece, but it still warrants a trip to the optomiterist which is not very close by.

Zach has been doing well at keeping Mom busy in the mornings. He's a little ball of energy. He is constantly asking for "cackoos" (crackers), which is getting a little unerving. If he was a dino, he'd be a snackasaurus. He's really gotten tall lately! And he is so much fun to play with. He understands a lot of what we are saying and can play with me better.

Tomorrow we're going to the local orchard with my pals from playgroup. No school, sweet! Thanks Chris Columbus. You may have not really been the first to discover America, but in this case, I'll give you your props.

After that, we're heading to both sets of families homes for the weekend. Should be fun...

Kater tater (what a horrible nickname, mom)


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