Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, October 24, 2008

Bean Countin'

What a long project this was! It was fun, but took up several days. One afternoon to sort the dried beans. One afternoon to paint and dry. Lastly a 2-hour block to glue the buggers on. But it turned out pretty beautiful, if I do say so myself.

So we had early release today, which is really everyday for me, except Mom doesn't bust my hump as much in the afternoons on days like this. I had a great week at school, we're learning to write numbers now and counting by 5s. I need to work on following directions the first time and paying attention, but I'm getting better. We've been playing Town Monopoly this week. Basically, we go around to each business in town, collect a stamp on our monopoly board and draw monopoly money at each stop. Tomorrow, we get to go to the fire dept and cash in our dollars for prizes! I already have $852 monopoly bucks (Zach gave me his). I wonder what cool stuff there will be?

I have my last soccer match tomorrow, hopefully we don't get rained out! We may or may not go farming with Dad...I really want to do the activity mentioned above AND we may go see the Kit Detective movie. Either way, I'm sure we'll have fun!

Better go screw off some, it's 3 o'clock dingdongs!



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