Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Votes are In

No matter who wins tonight, John McCain will be President over our school. We, the children voted and our voices were heard. Mom tried explaining to me that it doesn't work that way, but I'm pretty convinced he'll be our President. I hope he improves the lunch system. I voted for Obama. I told Mom and Dad that last night out of the blue (no pun intended). Dad was worried that I'd been hearing too much of Mom's liberal rhetoric, but I told them I chose him because he is from Illinois.

We just got back from voting. I carried my American Flag with me and was very excited, although disappointed I didn't get a ballot. Zach isn't feeling well and was miserable to say the very least. More like a possessed dictator enraged by democracy. He screamed so horrible loud that Mom got more dirty looks than Sarah Palin at a Pro Choice rally. Mom couldn't even listen to the worker's instructions, he was screaming THAT loud. So Mom had to vote quickly. Hopefully she chose the right people. It was beyond frustrating. Mom's face was so red she looked like a Republican. BUT, if people in war torn countries can cross villages full of terrorists and gunmen on their way to the polls, surely Mom can handle a screaming toddler. Oh Zach, if only you knew.

So there's my experience for Election 08. Hopefully the election will go smoothly and we'll know the results soon!

Yay America!


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