Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, November 03, 2008


Hi all, sorry for the late posting. Dad had us up at the crack of dawn Saturday to go farming. They have internet there, but it is SLOW, so Mom had to wait until we got back. We sure had a great time trick-or-treating Friday night with my friends, Addie & Adam. Zach fought putting on his duck/chicken/turkey costume with every ounce of his being. But once he got outside with us big kids, he got over it really fast and forgot all about his troubles. He had fun following us up to the doors, but he didn't do the candy part. He was pretty darn cute waddling up and down the street. Addie and I got a *little* competitive about racing to the door and had to be reminded to wait for the little ones. After my pals left, we loaded up the wagon and went out some more! We ended up just leaving our bowl of candy on the porch so people could help themselves. Surprisingly, we had over half of it left at the end of the night. I had to dump my bucket into a bag 5 times. We got home and weighed the loot -- 5.2 pounds! Ridiculous! Times may be tough, but people around here are still handing out the good stuff. Better hide it from Mom and Dad! My costume was cute, but Mom swears that is the first and last time she buys a costume from Wal Mart. The piece of junk was falling apart by the end of the night and my lights stopped lighting up before the night was done. Plus the hat wouldn't stay on. Bet they must not have Halloween in China.

The rest of the weekend was fun. We spent a LOT of time in the combine with Dad. He can't steer too well with the 4 of us crammed in there, but he likes it. Later, he bungeed the carseat into the combine for Zach to ride shotgun. Zach had a blast. The worst part about farming is keeping Zach content when we're in the house. He wants to be outside constantly. It is the first thing he says when he wakes up "Let's go tractor!". The combine broke down late Sunday, so Dad stuck around to fix it. We got back late last night and went right to bed.

Only 6 more days till Disney, woohoo! We've got lots to do and pack. Not sure how Zach is going to do with Grandma that week. Sure hope she has the tractor keys handy!

Have a good week!

Ol' Waddles bringing up the rear

Me and my tricer-a-lantern, can YOU see him?


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