Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, August 22, 2008

A Sweet Mystery

Zach loves it SO much when the bus pulls up at 11:40 and he sees me. He waits up all morning and then like clockwork, he passes out in his highchair during lunch. What a sweetie!

Today at school, we had a naughty little visitor; the gingerbread man! My entire class went on a chase after him. First, he went to the school office and made a mess. Then, he went to the principal's office, messed up her hair AND stuck his finger in her donut. The cooks said they saw him in the cafeteria and he nibbled around some. The custodian said he was on the playground. We never did find the stinker, but it sure was fun to meet all the people at my school and learn about their jobs. He was kind enough to leave us cookies in our classroom. Yup, cookies. And I get skittles for being good. Sugar rewards and tax dollars go hand in hand, if we paid the big bucks for private school it'd be kiddie caviar I suppose. Oh well. And I accidentally took my juice cup on the bus. I put it in my backpack like a good girl, but it leaked all over. The teacher sent a note home. Gee, Mom got in trouble already, go figure! Maybe if she wasn't so busy hugging me and gushing over me, she would have thought to take my juice cup away.

So back to the baked-goods mystery at hand! Well, you'll never believe it, but I think he sneaked home in my backpack. I came downstairs after my designated "rest time" and someone had strewn napkins all over the place and left frosting fingerprints on the windows! I know what you're thinking -- must be Zach right? Well does Zach have little candy gumdrops?!?! NO, I think not! So it must have been the little bugger. I hope he doesn't get gobbled up by the neighbors dog or hit by a car. He also left crumbs in my backpack and Mom swears she saw him running through the field, towards the school.

Mom is trying to keep a routine in the afternoons. She doesn't think it would be fair for me to watch TV or play all day while the other kids are in school. So after lunch and a 30min rest, we have been trying to keep busy with "productive" activities mixed in with constructive play. No TV until 3pm. It really puts my knickers in a knot knowing that Zach gets to watch a cartoon in the morning while Mom showers....those were the days, ah childhood, how I miss you. We'll see how long before I can break her! Today we made a TP/Egg carton Stegosaurus. Neat, huh?

So I survived my first week and am asking for more! I think we did the right thing, this is going to be an awesome year for me!

Happy Weekend!

Missing candy buttons....

Frosting-laced fingerprints!

Hopefully, he won't go extinct too soon


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