Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bridal Bash

Hello. We had a great weekend and Cousin Carly's wedding. I did a fantastic job once again as flower girl. I made two great new friends named Jayden and Natalie. They were first-timers in the flower girl biz, so I showed them the ropes. The three of us made quite the cute trio. Carly and Koller's wedding went really well and they both looked so nice and happy. Carly was just beautiful and she was so calm and content on her special day. The reception was quite the shindig. It was very sophisticated and the food and dancing was great! Zach had crazy dancing skills. He was a maniac! He could really pop his little baby bootie. Our hotel was cool and we all had fun on the waterslide and in the pool. Unfortunately, Zach really does not like the water these days, so he didn't enjoy the pool as much. Mom and Dad took turns taking me down the slide and holding me up at the end so I didn't get my face wet! Considering Mom locked us out of the house Friday and then almost lost the diaper bag with her wallet in it Friday night, the weekend turned out really well! We made it back safe and sound today and were able to get in the house thanks to Nana's extra key! Whew! I had so much fun seeing my family and partying. I have one more wedding next weekend and I think I'll hang up my basket for awhile, this stuff is hard work! Here are some more pics.

School has been going really well. Mom is still amazed at the amount of material we're covering on a day-to-day basis. Looks like I'll probably go full days after December. There seems to be a lot of action going on and I don't want to miss out on a thing. We'll see what the teacher has to say come November. Speaking of November, Disney is just 6 short weeks away! We're all pretty excited. Ok, Dad isn't as excited as us girls, but he will be. Zach will be at his own personal Disney World on the farm, riding tractors and making Grandma entertain him.

My soccer matches have been rained out a lot. Hopefully all this rain will stop this week. We came home tonight to find our sump pump line outside had a crack in it and water was gushing out around the foundation, but Dad was able to fix it for us. Way to go, Dad!

I'm beat! I better rest up for a fun week of school. And then off to the great Cheese Festivities and Tyler's wedding this weekeend.

Later peeps!


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