Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Bus Stops Here. Er, well, maybe...

Big hot topic around here lately is whether or not I should ride the bus. Mom has been walking me down the road every morning now and it has been going pretty well. Although the novelty has worn off and I am a little bored on the 35 minute ride to school. The 35 minute "ride" to the school that is less than a mile from my house. Plus, a big kid has been riding up front with us little ones and squishing us 3 to a seat. So after some whining, Mom agreed to try and drop me off at 8:30, right at the school doors. Dad's theory is that riding the bus is part of growing up and it is a right of passage for all kids. Mom's theory, having never ridden "the bus", is to do what makes the most sense for our family. Dad kinda agrees with that too. So today she dropped me off. It was a little hairy by the school, lots of cars and kids, but I seemed to like it better. And I really liked using that extra half hour at home to sleep in a bit and have time to play before school.

Mom and I did my dinosaur excavation kit yesterday. I took it VERY seriously, as a true paleontologist would. Imagine thousands of tiny little rocks flying around the kitchen. Duh, outside project Mom! We worked on it for a good hour, hammering and chiseling our way through ancient aggregate stone. We never did get to any bones yet. When they say hours of "fun", they mean it. Can you dig it???

Here are some misc pics from the past week. Enjoy my cuteness if you can handle it, I know it's a lot to take in ;)

Oh, and if you are wondering what Mom does with some of her free time, she likes to embarrass Dad and photoshop him to death. She could have HOURS of fun yearbooking many people, so be nice unless you want to be messed with.


Getting in the game

Birthday poster my teacher made for me

Thank God he wasn't a teenager of the 70's


At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you get me a link to the dino kit thing?


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