Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, September 01, 2008

Here I Am.

Betcha thought I was too cool for this blogging business now that I am 5, huh? Well, it was a busy couple of days, and then we were gone this weekend, so we finally just got a chance to sit down and take a breath.

Let's friend party on Thursday was a blasty-blast! The weather was inclement, but we moved things in the basement and had just as much fun. We played Pin-the-Horn-on-the-Triceratops, Baby Dino-Egg Hunt and Bust the Dino Egg Pinata. Mom had to hold the pinata up and did good dodging the swings. My cake turned out awesome! It was gone in a flash, very tasty as well as cute. Instead of gifts, we had a coloring book exchange which went really well, everyone left with a gift. After my pals left, my Nana came around 5. We hung out here while Mom and Dad went to the school to hear about the Kindergarten program. On my actual birthday (Friday), I had a very special day at school. We made Dino Rice Krispie treats to take in and they all sang to me. My teacher gave me a very sweet keepsake to take home. She was so sweet as to bring it over in the evening after she finished it. Later we went to Old Chicago, one of my faves, where I was treated to a gianormous chocolate chip cookie. Plus, I was allowed to have all the jellybeans I wanted on my birthday. We opened presents as well....I got a few cool things from Nana in addition to the bike. I love my new Dino Webkinz. Mom and Dad got me lots of books for my LeapPad and a few little dino things. Dad gave me a beautiful bouquet of lavendar roses. I was just happy to have a fun time with my family.

Saturday morning, I had my very first soccer match. I did smashingly well! Our team name is the sharks, and we were on the attack! We didn't "keep score" so to say, but our team had a lot of goals! I did really well keeping in the game and having fun. It sure is hard to focus on the ball with all those kids running around. Right after my game, Nana had to leave and we took off to go to the farm. I helped Grandma and Grandpa D all day and fed the dogs for them. Zach took tractor rides all day. That is ALL he talks about from the moment he gets there until the moment we leave. Yesterday, we went to the cabin and did some boating. We just got back today and we're pretty wiped out from all that fun.

Enjoy this little slideshow of my birthday fun. More pictures are here. I will post some soccer pics later.


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