Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Schmetterling, Papillon, Mariposa...

However you say it, butterflies are captivating and amazing, especially to children. Nothing compares to the thrill of catching one and then releasing it so it can flutter of to bring joy to someone else. I went to my pal, Addie's house yesterday while Mom went to the doctor. We had loads of fun bouncing on her trampoline and catching butterflies.

School is going really well. We met our first "letter buddy" yesterday. His name was Tommy the Tiger, I'll bet you can guess which letter he taught us about. We had to practice tracing and writing both Upper and Lower "t"s. I did very well and got a snazzy sticker on my worksheet! Terrific!

Mom and Zach are supposed to be running errands and getting things ready for my party on Thursday, but I have a hunch there is more playing going on instead of working. Get to it you guys, someone needs to run the ship while I'm away!

Hope you're having a splendid week.



Gentle, gentle, careful!!!


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