Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Remember that beautiful spider web from the other day? Well, we met it's owner last night. She is something else, we can't quite figure out her species though. She worked and worked all evening; reinforcing her amazing creation. We left the porch light on last night to help attract some bugs for her. After a couple hours, Dad decided to intervene. He picked up a moth from the porch (ewww) and flung it into her web for her. She zapped down in a split second, paralyzed the victim and wrapped him in a cocoon in a matter of seconds. Then she climbed right back to the dead center of her web and looked quite proud. The moth was gone this morning. I didn't witness all this, but Mom showed me pics this morning. Of course, I felt horrible for the moth, but I was amazed at how methodical that spider was. We'll see if she comes back tonight....


At 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AH! Thanks for the nightmares!

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Ok next time you have a huge spider pic it might be nice to put up a warning first!


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