Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, April 28, 2008

Quite a Spectacle

I had a very fun weekend with Nana here. I was happy she could come to my bowling banquet on Saturday. I received a really neat trophy for participation. We had lunch there afterwards and went to Peoria later to find some glasses for me. I ended up getting a pair of glasses that were just right for my face. They were ready later that afternoon and I've been SO good about wearing them. When she first put them on me, I was really amazed at how clear everything was. The optician said I really should wear them all the time so my eyes don't need to keep adjusting. I'll be wearing them to preschool today for the first time. I'm a little nervous about it, but I promised Mom that I won't let anyone else try them on and I'll take really good care of them. I still need to go back for one more adjustment...they are a little bit crooked and pinch my nose.

Dad was gone farming for the weekend. Us girls and Zach had a good old time. I cried a for a few minutes after Nana left. It is hard to live far is a lot closer than France, but still far to me. Zach has been a very happy little boy lately and really hamming it up. He likes to run with eyes closed and scream like a wild man at the same time. He's saying a few words -- like Dada, ball, book and no-no. We think he says "sis", but we're not quite for sure yet.

Hope you have a great week!


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