Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Snow Show

I was so excited to wake up to tons of snow this morning! I ran into Mom's room and said "Wake up, wake up, there's snow!". Sure enough, we had a couple inches of the white stuff. I helped Dad clear the drive and walkway and even had hot cocoa for breakfast! It was pretty chilly out though, so I didn't stay out long. We took Zach out to see what he thought, but he screamed when he heard the loud scraping of the snow shovel. I had playgroup here today and had fun sharing my gingerbread men with my friends. Mom and I spent hours last night decorating each one and giving them their own personalities.

I've got a busy week of bowling and my gymnastics Christmas party. Should be fun. I sure am full of Holiday Spirit, hope you all are, too.



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