Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree....

I hope my brother doesn't eaaaat you. Decorating sure takes a lot longer with a baby around. Last year, it was a one-day-deal, but it is more like a week-long-deal now. We finished my little tree the other day and finished the big tree last night. Mom is still slowly putting stuff up around the house. It has been too c-o-l-d to do much outside! Zach has been leaving the tree alone for the most part, he doesn't like the way the needles tickle his face. He is however, crawling everywhere. He is now a full-time job, but it is good for him to be mobile and finally have some independence. He has a habit of lunging for things to pull-up on, but he often forgets his arms are too short and ends up hitting his head. He has a couple shiners after just a week of crawling.

I started bowling again last night. They now taught me how to put my fingers in the ball, and I am doing much better. School is going well and we're working on lots of projects for the holiday season. Today, we're going to buy Nutcracker tickets and donate some of our old coats. Not sure what the weekend holds for us, but hopefully it will be warm enough for Dad to put up some lights.

Hope you are all getting into the Christmas spirit. December is just a day away!



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