Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Friday, October 19, 2007

But WHERE was I?

Tonight, I was treated to a full-length viewing of Mom & Dad's wedding video. Even though I understand 5 years ago was longer than my 4 years, I kind of want to know where was I? I mean if I wasn't here, and wasn't in Mom's belly, then WHERE? She says a twinkling in her eye, which sounds kind of painful, but kind of sweet at the same time.

Dad took the day off and hung out with us. He's been smoochin' and buggin' Mom all day! He even took me to school for the first time ever, I was so proud. Later, we picked up a movie. We were supposed to go home for a nice dinner, but Dad talked Mom into going out to eat instead. We had some FINE dining at Olive Garden -- classy joint indeed! It was nice and quick, which is important when dining out with kids. Zach will smell like those nasty, garlic breadsticks for days! Lastly, we stopped at Le Bakery (seriously) and picked up some goodies for the weekend. I had fun watching the video and seeing how small my cousins were back then and how everyone looked a little different. Mom and Dad were hoping to crack open one of their dusty bottles of French wine, but instead, the cheesecake and cheesy kids movie took priority. Who's got energy and room left for wine after a busy day with the kiddies?

It should be a nice quiet weekend at home. I think we're going bowling tomorrow and then football on Sunday, of course. Have a good one my friends.


Zach wasn't very patient tonight for dessert

Cake then

Cake now -- I was the photographer here!


At 8:48 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

This is the best post ever April. So sweet! Maren is dealing with the same thing. She saw our photos the other day and said "But I wanteddddd to be there!" We tell her the twinkle thing too, but I don't think she's buying it. Congrats to you guys, what a beautiful family you have!
PS Get that kid a digital camera for Xmas. She's good!


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