Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, October 04, 2007

A Hiking We Will Go

Here it is, a week into October and the leaves are still so green around here, you'd think it is spring. 5 years ago, Mom and Dad were hoping for a seasonal autumn wedding only to have the leaves long since fallen by October 19th. So today, we decided to go on a mini-hike to see if things in the woods were a little more autumny. I wanted Mom to carry Zach in the Bjorn and me in the backpack, but she wasn't willing to lug two kids on one body, so I had to walk, which turned out to be a great thing so I could pick up loads of cool stuff off the ground. We found tons of nuts, leaves rocks and sticks. I put them in my nature box at home and we'll have to come up with stuff to do with them later today. The woods were nice and shady and cool. The bugs weren't too bad and the creek beds weren't too full, so we could cross them easily. I had fun pretending we were Hansel and Gretel. Zach had fun too, he loves to be outdoors. There was a park close by, so I got to play for a bit. There is a homecoming parade we were going to go to this afternoon, but I'm pretty wiped out from that hike and may need a nap before French tonight.

We're off to WI for the weekend. Not sure for how long, but I have a 4 day weekend from school, so we'll probably just wing it and see where we end up.

Have a great's almost here!

Ooooh, wabbit twaks

Zach came, too!

Under the bridge I go

Taking a break


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