Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, October 01, 2007

Bet Your Bottom Dollar, You'll Lose Your Blues in Chicago

Hooray! I thought my hunch was right. Mom and Dad took me to Chicago for two days to explore, learn and have fun. We kind of felt guilty for abandoning Zach on his 8 month birthday and felt even MORE guilty for dumping him on Grandma D! I guess he was up at 5am and was a bit of a pistol. Although, there were several moments (getting lost, waiting in line and eating) when we were kind of happy that we didn't have a baby's schedule to contend with!

First, I felt obliged and happy to go help combine on Saturday. I rode along for two rows of corn and proceeded directly back into the house to soak up my fill of cartoons and candy that is legendary at Grandma's house. We left on Sunday morning and drove straight to the Sears Tower. I kept calling it the "tallest tower". The 103 flight elevator ride sure made my ears pop and was really quick! We had some good, Chicago pizza afterwards and watched the Bears on TV. Later, we walked to Navy Pier. I liked the rides and ferris wheel. I had lots of junk food and liked watching the boats on the lake. Our hotel was right off Michigan Avenue, so we headed out later that night to walk around and find some grub. After dinner, we went for a really cool horse and carriage ride downtown. I was kind of hinting at it, but Mom was sure it would be a "rip off". Well, I just solemnly said "Maybe next time".... and she bit like a fish. See kids, when you don't whine and beg, but act mature and sullen instead, it usually pays off. The horse ride wasn't too bad of a rip and they even took our picture for $5 on a polaroid since mom's camera was dead...what a bargain! My horse's name was Allie and got to pet her, she was a good horse and didn't get freaked out by the traffic.

On Monday, we spent a good hunk of the morning just trying to get OUT of the hotel area and to the museum. I really loved the evolution exhibit and seeing how the dinosaurs started and ended. The Hall of Dinos was awesome and of course, Sue, the T-Rex was pretty amazing. After that, we headed to Shedds' and saw lots of fish! We were hoping to hit the planetarium, but as always, there is never enough time, and we had to go get Zach. I had a very special trip with Mom and Dad and told them that maybe next time, we can bring Zach and I can show him around.

There are some pictures here, but we couldn't take many of the aquarium since you can't use a flash in there and it is so dark.

This week will probably be pretty quiet compared to the weekend, but I have a feeling it will find a way to be exciting as always.



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