Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Where's MY Fairy Godmother??

I watched Cinderella last week and thought maybe if I did a little cleaning around here, I would get to dress up and go to a ball. So I scrubbed and I swept, but alas, no fairy godmother to be found! Oh well, I like to help clean anyway. The new sweeper-vac is just my size and I like to be responsible and clean up my mess after lunch. I had a nice visit with my family this past weekend. Too bad they could only stay for the day, but the day was better than nothing at all. I think we're just hanging out here this coming weekend and moving stuff down to the new basement. I've been asking mom everyday when spring is coming, I sure hope it shows up soon!

Zach is doing well and cooing a little bit. He hasn't let out the big smile just yet, but as you can see, it is right on the surface. He's still a little fussy during the day with belly aches, but he's alert a lot more during the day and goes right to sleep after eating during the night for mom.

Hope you're having a fantabulous week!


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