Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Monday, January 29, 2007

Oh, but you shouldn't have!

I was SO excited to get a little present from some friends at playgroup today. They gave me my own Big Sister basket. It is full of activities and snacks that I can get by myself. Of course, it was completed off with a toy dinosaur. I am so lucky to have such thoughtful friends. I am getting pretty excited for the big day tomorrow. I just know that Nana is taking me to school and sometime during that 2 hours, I will magically transform into a big sister. Nana will take me up to the hospital after school and my duties can officially begin. Baby brother is going to share his birthday with the likes of Dick Cheney and Franklin D Roosevelt. Let's hope he takes more after the latter! I am off to take a snooze and when I wake up, hopefully Nana will be here. Mom and Dad will try to keep everyone posted when they can. How fitting that my 200th blog post is my last as an only child! See you soon!



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