Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Sunday, January 21, 2007

We Ain't Here to Cause no Trouble...

We're just here to do the SuperBowl Shuffle -- uh huh! What a weekend! Today was pretty exciting/scary/loud/traumatizing around here. Fortunately, the Bears won and dad is very happy. Now what ARE we going to do during the Super Bowl with baby brother in the house? He's not used to all this football commotion like I am. I had a very Monsteriffic weekend. Nana Vicki came on Friday. Saturday, we went to Bloomington to see Monsters on Ice and let me tell you -- you haven't seen anything until you've seen Monsters on ice skates. It blew Elmo out of the water! I had my face painted like a butterfly before the show, too. Later that night, mom and dad went out for dinner by themselves and I hung back here with Nana. We had a good weekend and I think Nana is prepared to run the ship for a few days while mom and dad are at the hospital. Only 8 days to go. Mom has been pretty whiny lately, so maybe that is a good thing. I painted a onesie for Baby Brother today (see pic above). Earlier, Dad and I played in the snow and made a couple mini snowmen. Good thing we did that before he ate an entire package of spicy buffalo wings because he is in some pretty bad shape tonight. I think he may be banished to live outside with the snowmen.

Back to my same ol' routine for one last week before my little life turns upside down. Have a great week and enjoy the snow while we can.


A Monster Party!

Nana and Lady Butterfly


Me and my snow peeps


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