Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Four Weeks and Chubby Cheeks

Hi there. Sorry it has been so long, mom has been a busy bee lately. Zach was a little fussy this weekend, so mom and dad spent ALOT of time holding him and rocking him. I had a pretty quiet weekend, which I like. There is nothing I love more than laying around in my jammies and playing all day! Nicole came to visit for a bit on Saturday and that was nice.

Things are going well here. I am super excited for my first visit to the dentist tomorrow. Mom and I checked out a couple dentist books from the library and I feel pretty prepared. I will let you know how it goes.

Zach is doing well and turned 4 weeks old today. He really loves to hang out in my playroom and watch me play while he reclines in the bouncy seat. I like to play music for him and I tried to give him my bumble bee rattle instrument, but he wasn't too interested in it just yet.

Our basement is almost done. The carpet comes next week and then I can move ALL my toys down there, wahoo! It looks really nice and mom will post some pictures next week.

Nana Vicki and Papa are coming Saturday for the day, so I am very excited for that. See you soon!


Making chocolate-candy dipped bananas...
nice and healthy!


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