Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Say Hello to Mr Thirsty

Hi there! I had an outstanding first visit to the dentist. NO cavities and she said my teeth look great! I did so well, if I do say so myself. I let her scrape my teeth, polish them and even held still for the flouride treatment. I really like the little suction tool called Mr Thirsty and she let me hold him and suck out my own spit -- awesome! For being such a good girl, I got a new toothbrush, toothpaste and a coupon for McDonalds AND a prize from the prize box. I can't wait to go again! Our cool new stroller came in the mail the other day. There is a spot for Zach and a spot for me to sit or stand in case I get tired of walking. Mom and Dad really didn't want to get a double stroller, but it is no big secret that I don't like to walk very far, so this should be a good solution. Hopefully, the weather warms up and we can walk outside soon. In the meantime, I think mom is going to try to take us both to the mall tomorrow -- yikes!

I am really having fun playing with Zach lately. He loves to watch me and I think he is saving his first smile just for me!


Made in France, but Born in the USA

Ooops, I think he sprung a leak!

This is how I roll!


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