Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Welcome Home, Little Guy

Hi there. I was very excited to bring Zach home last night. We had to run a few errands and I kept asking WHEN would we get to take him home! I showed him around and gave him a tour of the place. He was pretty tired and slept quite a bit. Today, we are going to stay home and keep warm! Tomorrow, we have to go back to the hospital and get his jaundice level rechecked. He is a very happy baby and sleeps a lot and eats every three hours. He hates getting his diaper or clothes changed though and he likes to stay swaddled in his blankets. HERE are the photos they took on the day we left. HERE are some photos we took since Tuesday. Mom is doing well and trying to rest now that Dad is here to help her out. The hospital was very busy and very noisy and mom is happy to be home to get rest. See you later!


At 5:46 PM, Blogger :P said...

he is so cute! enjoy every moment. =D

take care!

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrads to all! He is so adorable, dispite the Chicago gear. I can't wait to see him in person

Love Aunt Debbie


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