Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Well, I guess I can share...

I suppose it would be silly to make Zach get his own blog, so we can share for now, as long as I still get top billing. So don't forget who's blog this is! I have had a very special week. I had my dad around for 3 days and we spent lots of fun time together. Then, Grandma D came for 2 days to visit. We made cookies, watched movies and colored a lot. Grandpa D joined us last night and they are leaving today. And as if that wasn't enough, Nana Vicki is coming back Monday for 3 days. Wow! I don't know what I am going to do when all these people leave and it is just the 4 of us! Mom sure appreciates the help. Baby Zach takes a lot of time and work. I am pretty happy he is around. He doesn't bug me too much, but then again, he really doesn't play much either. So I come around and say hi to him now and then, but otherwise he knows to let me do my thing. He is doing very well. He's a pretty easy baby, but then again, so was I! I better get back to playing. Have a great weekend!


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