Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Les Dinos are taking over La Tower!

There's nothing I love to do more on a nice, sunny day than taking the dinos outside and seizing the Eiffel Tower on the deck. The dinos like it, too -- The French -- well, not so much.

Things are going well here! I love this weather and hopefully we can play outside at school today. As you can see, I got a new "do". It is a lot cleaner cut and easier to take care of. My hair is too fine to stay in a ponytail anyway and this stays out of my face a lot better. I had a good weekend and we finally got all of my toys moved down to the new basement. As you can see, it turned out pretty well! It is always a mess, but that is what it is there for. Mom and Dad are thrilled to have it done, although Dad is not exactly thrilled about having to move a gazillion totes from the garage down to the basement. Nothing like a little spring cleaning to get you in the mood.

Zach saw the doctor last week and weighed in at 8lbs 8oz, so he is now 2lbs above his birth weight and now weighs what I did when I was born -- what a shrimp! He is doing ok and is working on his smirking skills. He is still dealing with some belly aches, but they seem to be getting better. He is not a fan of his carseat, so it looks like we won't be making a trip up to WI till Easter at the earliest.

Ryan and Leah are coming to see us Thursday, so I am super excited for that. Hope you are having a great week.



At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your new hairdo, it is adorable. Tell mom to add some more pictures of Zach to your blog!

Love Aunt Debbie


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