Adventures of a Blogosaurus

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Goin' to Fargo Dont'cha Know?

Hello there, friends. As some of you know, Mom and I are flying to Fargo tonight! We'll actually be staying just across the border in Minnesota, but we will fly into in Fargo. Mom is excited to hear some good Northern accents and freeze her tucus off. Actually, we really are super-excited to see the Anderson family and meet their new addition. They've been up 'der for 4 years now and we've yet to visit, so we're long overdue. It should be a quick flight to Chicago, an even quicker layover and then a 2hr flight to Fargo. The weather there is supposed to be in the mid 40's with no snow, so it should be fairly comfortable. I'm excited to fly in a plane again and it will be nice for Mom and I to have some time together, just the two of us. I am off school this week because of Veteran's Day and conferences, so the timing is perfect. Hard to believe it was two years ago this week that we went to Disney! Time to go back, right?

Speaking of conferences, mine went well. I'm in the highest reading group and my teacher had lots of praise for me. I still space out from time to time and need reminders to follow directions, but Mom hears this every fall from each teacher and usually by the Holidays, I'm on track. Just takes me awhile to get in a routine, I guess. Both the teacher and her aide had a lot of super things to say about the way I treat others, my manners and my kindness. That made Mom very proud!

Old Mom had another birthday yesterday. It was a pretty quiet day. Chinese takeout, a trip to the gym and German Chocolate cake after (guess she wanted to replace all those calories burned at the gym)!

So Bon Voyage! Maybe I'll be able to post on my trip. I'm sure they have internet in the Great North, ya think?



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